តុបតែងរូបអោយទៅជាគំនូរ Cartoons photo

Hightalk Software Corp. 查看此开发商提供的更多 App
Magic Man is the world’s first camera directly to the people filmed humorous cartoon camera. Magic Man is different from other cameras Sketch filter, it is not a rendering of the original photo image, but every slap, will shoot creative and unexpected surprises.

开发商:Hightalk Software Corp. 查看此开发商提供的更多 App
开发商:Hightalk Software Corp. 查看此开发商提供的更多 App
You never imagined you would be like the next one, hilarious humor ideas will make your life fun. Magic Man camera not only has the artist’s painting technique, the artist also has a rich imagination, work is no longer a photo shoot a replica, but has artistic value of the boutique. Magic Man camera is installed in the phone cartoonist for you to draw your own artwork.